The manufacturer identification code (MIC) of your craft identification number (CIN or HIN) is KTT. This MIC (KTT) stands for the company name Kitco Inc which is currently Out of Business. This boat manufacturer code has other company names (KTT sometimes goes by these name(s) if applicable: , , , or ). This could happen if the US Coast Guard reissued the MIC to a new company after the first went out of business.
This company (Kitco Inc) is owned by Thomas L. Boehmer and is located at 520 North Enterprise Dr in Warrebsburg state of Mo. It manufactured this vessel and placed your HIN or CIN on the hull. This Boat maker is not owned by a parent company. Kitco Inc has started making boats, yachts or other watercraft as of 3/13/1997 and went out of business on (1/13/2010) in the following country: USA.
Boat Recall details below and also at the US Coast Guard website.
The US Coast guard provides this comment about this watercraft manufacturer: Acquired Molds From Compositec, Rt 1, Nixa Mo 65714. 981119 One Mold Sold To Mallard Marine (oyn). 060705 (rdh) Updated New Poc: Tom Boehmer. 060407: Ktt Factory Moved From Odessa To Warrensburg, Mo (rdh). 1/13/10 Kitco Inc Of Warrensburg Mo Closed Business And Sold Molds To C.c. Fiberglass (ccf) Of Highlandville Mo Who Will Produce Similiar Boats Under Different Trademark..
Kitco Inc Boat Recalls for this MIC (KTT): 3.
1-kitco Inc Has Recalled Ktt20375g505 (hin Or Cin) Due To Safe Loading Max Pers Wt And Safe Loading Max Wt And This Boat Recall Is Closed. It Applied To 336 Boats From The 2005 5750 Model Boats. The Boat Recalls Applied On 7/19/2005 And Was Closed On With The Following Comment: Failed Max Persons Lbs And Max Persons Wt. 7/7/06 Rec'd Cur 62/336 Units Corrected. 04/06/07 Rec'd Cur 40/336 Units Corrected. Request For Campaign Closure Because Little Positive Response From Customers. 4/25/07 Case Closed.
2-kitco Inc Has Recalled Ktt30120f505 (hin Or Cin) Due To Safe Loading Max Wt And Safe Loading Max Pers Wt And This Boat Recall Is Closed. It Applied To 24 Boats From The 2005 5725 Model Boats. The Boat Recalls Applied On 7/19/2005 And Was Closed On 10/10/2006 With The Following Comment: Failed Max Persons Lbs And Max Wt. 7/7//06 Cur Rec'd 4/24 Units Corrected. 9/29/06 Req To Term Campaign Under Review. Close Approved.
3-kitco Inc Has Recalled Ktt11036f505 (hin Or Cin) Due To Safe Loading Max Pers Wt And And This Boat Recall Is Closed. It Applied To 1038 Boats From The 2005 5700 Model Boats. The Boat Recalls Applied On 7/25/2005 And Was Closed On 3/11/2009 With The Following Comment: Failed Max Persons Lbs. 1st Dnr Sent 7/25/05. Rec'd Cur 07/15/07 233/1038 Corrected. Request For Closure Denied. 10/16/07 Rec'd Cur. 233/1038. Sent New Cur. Overdue Cur Reminder Ltr Sent 10/27/08. Reviewed Case With Po Regarding Manufacturer's Statement About No Change In Responses Received From First Purchasers. Case Closed 3/11/09.