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The manufacturer identification code (MIC) of your craft identification number (CIN or HIN) is EQT. This MIC (EQT) stands for the company name Canyon Boats Inc which is currently Out of Business. This boat manufacturer code has other company names (EQT sometimes goes by these name(s) if applicable: , , , or ). This could happen if the US Coast Guard reissued the MIC to a new company after the first went out of business.
This company (Canyon Boats Inc) is owned by Adam Schmitt and is located at 19-11 Crossbay Blvd in Broad Channel state of Ny. It manufactured this vessel and placed your HIN or CIN on the hull. The Parent Company for this boat maker is BUSTERS MARINE SERVICE () Canyon Boats Inc has started making boats, yachts or other watercraft as of 3/8/2001 and went out of business on (7/22/2019) in the following country: USA.
Boat Recall details below and also at the US Coast Guard website.
The US Coast guard provides this comment about this watercraft manufacturer: Bought Assets Of Dilks Mfg. See Pme. 04/14/02 Mailing Address Is Buster’s Marine Service, A Marine Retail Store / Boat Dealership; The Factory Address Is Nigel’s Boat Repairs At The Old New York Ship Yard In Brooklyn Where The Boats Are Produced Under Subcontract. 121505: Ajk, No Longer Associated With Nigels (ngl) As Subcontractor; Hoping To Produce Own Boats At Brooklyn Marina. 082108, Ajk, Subcontract Complete Boat Production With Susquehanna Boats (hic) In Dimock, Pa. 07/24/10; Eqt Looking Subcontractor To Build Hulls At This Time. Ca201. 072219, Ajk, As Noted Eqt Had Different Subcontractors - As Of '10 Last Subcontractor Oob. As Of '16 Not Building Any Boats Under Code Eqt - Obtained Code Tri For The Import Of Inflatable Boats; As Of '19 No Reply To Message Asking For Status Update - Placed Code Eqt Into Inactive Status..