The manufacturer identification code (MIC) of your craft identification number (CIN or HIN) is EJE. This MIC (EJE) stands for the company name Bd Xtreme Holdings Llc which is currently In Business. This boat manufacturer code has other company names (EJE sometimes goes by these name(s) if applicable: Bd Xtreme Holdings Llc, , Ed's Outdoor Center (oob), or Xtreme Industries Inc (oob)). This could happen if the US Coast Guard reissued the MIC to a new company after the first went out of business.
This company (Bd Xtreme Holdings Llc) is owned by Michael Campbell and is located at 2460 Development Cr City: in Bonifay state of Fl. It manufactured this vessel and placed your HIN or CIN on the hull. The Parent Company for this boat maker is BD XTREME HOLDINGS LLC () Bd Xtreme Holdings Llc has started making boats, yachts or other watercraft as of 11/3/2016.
Boat Recall details below and also at the US Coast Guard website.
The US Coast guard provides this comment about this watercraft manufacturer: Humphries (eds Outdoor) Previously (edm). 000920 Name And Address Change, Was Eds Outdoor Center, Route 2, Box 215b, Bonifay Fl 32425. 080905, Hmh, Changed Type 1 To Above From 11. 020708, Hmh, Changed Address To Above From 1316 Old Ridge Road. Eje Sold To Above Parent Company. Liability Of Boat's Past Manufacturer Does Not Transfer To New Manufactured Boats Beginning 11/3/2016. Maj. ********11/21/17 Waiting To Hear What To Do With Old Cases From Plc. Cc. 11/8/18 Mike Is New Manager
Bd Xtreme Holdings Llc Boat Recalls for this MIC (EJE): 1.
1-xtreme Boats Has Recalled Ejev1606j617 (hin Or Cin) Due To Level Flotation And Navigation Lights And This Boat Recall Is Open. It Applied To 1 Boats From The 2017 Brute 1654 Sc Model Boats. The Boat Recalls Applied On 5/30/2017 And Was Closed On With The Following Comment: (1)international Navigation The All-round Light Was Approximately 0.8 M Higher Than The Sidelights (2) 33cfr183.810. The Combined Navigation Sidelight Fixture Was Not Marked In Compliance With 33cfr183.810. Flotation Test For Persons Capacity Failed Stability Test (starboard) Failed Stability Test (port) Failed Level Flotation Test Without Weights For Persons Capacity Failed. Mailed Boat Test And Dnr/cur 5/30/17 - Cc 061317 - Expl To Mnf That Addition Of Foam Is Likely Necessary For Recall, Not Just Cap Adjustment. Plc. 073117 - Passed R1. Needs Cor For Citations 1, 2. Dnr, Dnl To Start Camp. Plc. 8/2/17 Boat Passed All Tests During Retes Report Dated 7/31/17. Still Required To Do Recall. Mailed Retest, Cur, Dnr 8/2/17- Cc Cert Mail Receipt Rec 8/24/17- Cc 8/24/17 Rec Certif Receipt- Cc 12/01/17 Emailed Mnf New Cur/dnr-cc 040618 - Mnf Subm Photos Of Another Unrelated Case. Needs Dnr Dnl To Start Campaign. Plc 11/8/18 Spoke W Manager And Emailed Him And Owner With Instruction- Mfr Responded By Email- Cc 020719 - Rcvd Dnr, Dnl. Cur1 Due. Plc 041019 - Mnf Was Not Aware That Curs Are Due Every 3 Mos. Lvm And Email With Mnf About Curs Every 3 Mos. 051719 - Rcvd Cur1. Denied Mnf Req Closure.