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RHINO MARINE INC Manufacturer Record

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Search Vessel Manufacturer Records for RHINO MARINE INC

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Boat Manufacturer Detailed Records for RHINO MARINE INC:

EDM Boat Builder Search and Recall results:

The manufacturer identification code (MIC) of your craft identification number (CIN or HIN) is EDM. This MIC (EDM) stands for the company name Rhino Marine Inc which is currently In Business. This boat manufacturer code has other company names (EDM sometimes goes by these name(s) if applicable: Ed's Outdoor Center, Edmonds Mfg Co (oob), , or ). This could happen if the US Coast Guard reissued the MIC to a new company after the first went out of business.

Boat Manufacturer Identification Code lookup for EDM (Rhino Marine Inc)

This company (Rhino Marine Inc) is owned by Joe Riley and is located at P. O. Box 185 in Hartford state of Al. It manufactured this vessel and placed your HIN or CIN on the hull. This Boat maker is not owned by a parent company. Rhino Marine Inc has started making boats, yachts or other watercraft as of 8/30/1991.

Boat Recall details below and also at the US Coast Guard website.

The US Coast guard provides this comment about this watercraft manufacturer: Edm Was Edmonds Mfg Co, Jackson, Ms; Oob 5/80 Rhino Marine Bought Molds, Etc. And Would Like To Continue Using Mic=edm. Eds Outdoor Center (eddie Humphries) Now (eje); 970415. 12/26/2001 Update Per Rni Old Address Po Box 185 Hartford Al 36344.

There are 1 boat Recalls for Rhino Marine Inc, the boat maker:

Rhino Marine Inc Boat Recalls for this MIC (EDM): 1.

1-rhino Marine Inc Has Recalled Edmjs659j617 (hin Or Cin) Due To And And This Boat Recall Is Closed. It Applied To 30 Boats From The 2017 16 Wide Jon Model Boats. The Boat Recalls Applied On 6/5/2017 And Was Closed On With The Following Comment: Horsepower - Pass, Max Persons Lbs - Pass, Max Persons - Pass, Max Weight - Pass, Flotation Test For Persons Capacity - Fail, Stability Test (starboard) - Fail, Stability Test (port) - Fail, Level Flotation Test Without Weights For Persons Capacity - Fail Mailed 6/5/30-cc Rec Received 6/30/17-cc 7/6/17 Mailed Retest. Boat Now Passed. Waiting On Dnr. -cc Cm Receipt Received 8/2/17- Cc 011017 Rec Cur And Photos, Placed On Plcs Desk-cc 051518 - Mnf Email Doesnt Know How To Fill Forms, Despite Having Been Instructed. Also Claims No Owner Wants To Participate In Dn. Plc. 082118 - Rcvd Dnr, Dnl, Cur5 - 2uc 010219 - Cur6 - 3 Uc 040319 - Emailed Mnf To Decline Campaign Closure. Info Mnf Cur7 Is Due. 080819 - Cur7, 3uc. Based On The Lack Of Progress And Due Diligence By Mnf, Campaign Is Closed. Plc.

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