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HIN Search results: |
Success! TMS22016M84J is of the standard HIN type called Model-Year HIN. If you are buying this boat/craft then you should get the Boat-Alert History for 29.99$ from this certified boat history report provider.
TMS = Tennessee Mountain Rivers Guide Service (In Business)The HIN or CIN you have entered meets the Model-Year HIN format. It might also be a type that contains the country code and thus the boat comes from USA or Other . The serial number of the HIN is 22016 and is set by the boat builder. This boat or vessel has a Certification Date of (1984) and a Model Year of 1984 with month of build (May) based on the formatting of your hull_identification_number (HIN) .
The manufacturer identification code (MIC) of your craft identification number (CIN or HIN) is TMS. This MIC (TMS) stands for the company name Tennessee Mountain Rivers Guide Service which is currently In Business. This boat manufacturer has other company names (TMS sometimes goes by these name(s) Thompson Boat Co - Oob, , Thompson Boat Co - Oob, or Thompson Marine Products Inc - Oob). This could happen if the US Coast Guard reissued the MIC to a new company after one went out of business.
This company (Tennessee Mountain Rivers Guide Service) is owned by Nestor G Levotch Jr and is located at 306 S Cherokee St in Jonesborough state of Tn. It manufactured this vessel and placed your HIN or CIN on the hull. This Boat maker is not owned by a parent company. Tennessee Mountain Rivers Guide Service has started making boats, yachts or other watercraft as of 4/11/2011.
Make sure to compare the date of boat manufacturing with the dates in which the company was actually in business.
The US Coast guard provides this comment about this watercraft manufacturer: Pmr Deleted Mls Old Info: Borkowski, G. Hwy 41n Peshtigo Wi 54157. Old Address; 900 Chesaning St. 921027 Changed Name Of Contact; Steve Plautz Fired By Thompson. Filed Chapter 11 Fed Ct Of Eastern Mi On May 19, 1993. Expecting To Remain In Business. Mr. Anderson Is President. Thompson Boat Co Purchased By Cynba International Aug. 93 Natl. Sales Manager Is Robert Fite; All Warranties Will Be Fulfilled Rjd 10/93. New Company Refusing To Accept Responsibility For Previous Company Owners Defects. Jimpatrick-rni-email-010222.mfg Pkg Mailed-010227. 08/31/2001 Oob Per Rni. Thompson Marine Products Inc (st Charles, Mi) Ib-8/14/1972 Oob-12/31/1999.
UsedHIN | TMS22016M84J |
IsValid | Yes |
IsValidMIC | Yes |
HINType | ModelYear |
SerialNo | 22016 |
ModelName | SKI BOAT |
Year | 1984 |
IsStateIssued | No |
Company | Tennessee Mountain Rivers Guide Service |
CompanyStatus | In Business |
CompanyAddress | Jonesborough Tn 306 S Cherokee St |
Website | Www.troutand |
If you are purchasing this vessel, you need a Bill of Sale template here.
Boat Recalls below and also at the US Coast Guard website.
If you are purchasing this boat then get the Boat-Alert History Report.
If your vessel is far from home, you can transport it safely. To get a company to transport your boat contact A1 Transport or call them at 1-888-245-1949 for a free boat shipping quote.
Tennessee Mountain Rivers Guide Service Boat Recalls for your HIN and MIC: 2.
1-thompson Marine Products Inc Has Recalled Tms......... (hin Or Cin) Due To Fuel Fill Fitting Cracks And Fuel Fill Fitting Cracks And This Boat Recall Is Closed. It Applied To 589 Boats From The 94-6 1800br 200br 2000c 2100br Model Boats. The Boat Recalls Applied On 9/13/1995 And Was Closed On 12/29/1999 With The Following Comment: Also Models 2200c 2600br 2600c 2300k 2300d 1800cc 210f 240f 260f 2600sc 2700sc 3100sc 3400sc 2900t 170br 1900b. Dnr Recd 951116. 960429 Reminder Letter - No Cur Recd. 961028 Cur 1 Rcvd. 961107 Sent Additional Curs. 970205 Cur 5 Rcvd. 970506 Cur 6 Rcvd. 970902 Cur 7 Rcvd. 971103 Sent More Forms. 980420 Reminder Letter. 980925 Reminder Letter. 991215 Reminder Phone Call. 991221 Faxed A Cur. 991228 Cur 8 Rcvd.
2-thompson Boats Inc Has Recalled (hin Or Cin) Due To Noncompliance And Level Flotation And This Boat Recall Is Closed. It Applied To 22 Boats From The Model Boats. The Boat Recalls Applied On 2/2/1980 And Was Closed On 3/23/1981 With The Following Comment: Oob