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Success! RGFMK601L718 is of the standard HIN type called Current-Format HIN. If you are buying this boat/craft then you should get the Boat-Alert History for 29.99$ from this certified boat history report provider.

RGF = Seabring Marine Industries Inc (In Business)
MK601 = Boat Serial Number
L7 = Manufactured December 2017
18 = Model year 2018

HIN Decoder Details for RGFMK601L718:

Our HULL ID Decoder breaks down the Hull identification number into the following information:

The HIN or CIN you have entered meets the Current-Format HIN format. It might also be a type that contains the country code and thus the boat comes from USA or Other . The serial number of the HIN is MK601 and is set by the boat builder. This boat or vessel has a Certification Date of (2017) and a Model Year of 2018 with month of build (December) based on the formatting of your hull_identification_number (HIN) .

The manufacturer identification code (MIC) of your craft identification number (CIN or HIN) is RGF. This MIC (RGF) stands for the company name Seabring Marine Industries Inc which is currently In Business. This boat manufacturer has other company names (RGF sometimes goes by these name(s) , , , or ). This could happen if the US Coast Guard reissued the MIC to a new company after one went out of business.

This company (Seabring Marine Industries Inc) is owned by Jim Herron and is located at 1579 Sw 18th St   City: in Williston state of Fl. It manufactured this vessel and placed your HIN or CIN on the hull. This Boat maker is not owned by a parent company. Seabring Marine Industries Inc has started making boats, yachts or other watercraft as of 11/21/1987.

The Model Name is uncertain for this Seabring Marine Industries Inc (RGFMK601L718). But we have approximations: 224FS or 238 Surf or 360 Sport Coupe or M-20 or M-205 or BOWRIDER or 278SS204 FS/BR or 224 FS/BR or M4 or M6 or M45(*) or M65(*) or MX6 or MX6 SURF PACKAGE or M20 or M205(*) or M22 or 218 SS or 218 SS SURF PACKAGE or 238 SS or 238 SS SURF PACKAGE or 258 SS or 278 SS or 278 SSC or 298 SS or 328 SS or 328 SS AXIUS or 275 SY or 295 SY or 335 SY or 335 SY AXIUS or 355 SY or 355 SY AXIUS or 360 SC or 360 SC AXIUS or 378 SE or 378 SE AXIUS.

Contribute a better one to the database please:

Make sure to compare the date of boat manufacturing with the dates in which the company was actually in business.

The US Coast guard provides this comment about this watercraft manufacturer: Started (fbg) Over 20 Years Ago - New Operation 033087 Formerly:206 Mason St/brandon Fl Current Info 890620. 000627 Address Change, Was Pob 70, Archer Fl 32618. 030603 Address Change, Was Pob 818. 030603 Owners Formed Black Point Marine And Purchased Blackfin Boats From Caterpillar Financial. See Bfn & Bkf..

CompanySeabring Marine Industries Inc
CompanyStatusIn Business
CompanyAddressWilliston Fl 1579 Sw 18th St   City:

If you are purchasing this vessel, you need a Bill of Sale template here.

Boat Recalls below and also at the US Coast Guard website.

Boat Value for HIN RGFMK601L718:

Wondering what your boat is worth on the market? There are some great boat value calculators that you can try, including this one from HINDecoder Boat Values.

Boat History for HIN RGFMK601L718:

If you are purchasing this boat then get the Boat-Alert History Report.

We did a search and no U.S. Official Documentation Number for RGFMK601L718 was found at the USCG.
We searched the Official Transport Canada database and RGFMK601L718 did not have a match.

Finally, get it insured and make sure it does not have over-priced insurance by getting Multiple Quotes for Boat Insurance. Oh, don't forget, Order engraved HIN Tag ID Plate from ebay. and Order custom vinyl registration decal from ebay. to be placed on the hull if needed.

If your vessel is far from home, you can transport it safely. To get a company to transport your boat contact A1 Transport or call them at 1-888-245-1949 for a free boat shipping quote.

There are 2 boat Recalls for your Seabring Marine Industries Inc vessel:

Seabring Marine Industries Inc Boat Recalls for your HIN and MIC: 2.

1-monterey Boats Has Recalled Rgfya131e506 (hin Or Cin) Due To Electrical System And And This Boat Recall Is Closed. It Applied To 30 Boats From The 2006 350 Sport Yacht Model Boats. The Boat Recalls Applied On 8/12/2005 And Was Closed On 6/29/2006 With The Following Comment: Gfi Protected 120 Volt Outlet Is Not Ignition Protected; Back Of Outlet Shares The Atmosphere Common With The Gasoline Engine And Gasoline Fuel Tank Compartment. Rec'd Cur 6/29/06 24/30 Units Corrected = 80%, Close

2-monterey Boats Has Recalled (hin Or Cin) Due To Fuel Fill Fitting Cracks And And This Boat Recall Is Closed. It Applied To 54 Boats From The 2006-07 234 Fsx Model Boats. The Boat Recalls Applied On 9/12/2006 And Was Closed On 2/21/2008 With The Following Comment: Gem Products Fuel Fill Fitting May Crack Allowing Fuel To Enter Bilge Area. Hins Are Certain Ones In The Range, Rgfme116k506 - Rgfme336i607. 011807 Cur 1 - 12 Corrected. 031307 Cur 2 - 26 Corrected. 061507 Cur 3 - 33 Corrected. Cur 4 Recvd - 29 Corrected.

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