HIN Search results: |
Success! BAVS44V5G203 is of the standard HIN type called Current-Format HIN. If you are buying this boat/craft then you should get the Boat-Alert History for 29.99$ from this certified boat history report provider.
BAV = Bavaria Yachts Usa (In Business)The HIN or CIN you have entered meets the Current-Format HIN format. It might also be a type that contains the country code and thus the boat comes from USA or Other . The serial number of the HIN is S44V5 and is set by the boat builder. This boat or vessel has a Certification Date of (2002) and a Model Year of 2003 with month of build (July) based on the formatting of your hull_identification_number (HIN) .
The manufacturer identification code (MIC) of your craft identification number (CIN or HIN) is BAV. This MIC (BAV) stands for the company name Bavaria Yachts Usa which is currently In Business. This boat manufacturer has other company names (BAV sometimes goes by these name(s) Horizon Bavaria Usa Llp, Bavaria Motorboats, , or ). This could happen if the US Coast Guard reissued the MIC to a new company after one went out of business.
This company (Bavaria Yachts Usa) is owned by Geoff Mccord and is located at 303 Second Street, Suite B in Annapolis state of Md. It manufactured this vessel and placed your HIN or CIN on the hull. This Boat maker is not owned by a parent company. Bavaria Yachts Usa has started making boats, yachts or other watercraft as of 10/5/2001.
Make sure to compare the date of boat manufacturing with the dates in which the company was actually in business.
The US Coast guard provides this comment about this watercraft manufacturer: Oob Per Mso Phi 16711 911016. Was Be-a-hobo, William Sullivan, 401 Edgewater Ave, Westville Nj 08093 Oob 10/21/1991.020301:mfg Handbook Mailed. 06/05/12: Bavaria Yachts Usa Is The Trading Title. Horizon Bavaria Llp, 1230 Peachtree St Ne, Promenade Ii, Suite 3540, Atlanta, Ga 30309; Is The Importer Of Record..
UsedHIN | BAVS44V5G203 |
IsValid | Yes |
IsValidMIC | Yes |
HINType | Current |
SerialNo | S44V5 |
Year | 2003 |
IsStateIssued | No |
Company | Bavaria Yachts Usa |
CompanyStatus | In Business |
CompanyAddress | Annapolis Md 303 Second Street, Suite B |
Website | Www.bavariayachts.com |
If you are purchasing this vessel, you need a Bill of Sale template here.
Boat Recalls below and also at the US Coast Guard website.
If you are purchasing this boat then get the Boat-Alert History Report.
If your vessel is far from home, you can transport it safely. To get a company to transport your boat contact A1 Transport or call them at 1-888-245-1949 for a free boat shipping quote.
Bavaria Yachts Usa Boat Recalls for your HIN and MIC: 1.
1-bavaria Yachts Usa Has Recalled De-bavl46p2a515 (hin Or Cin) Due To Label; Certification And Hull Id Number And This Boat Recall Is Closed. It Applied To 34 Boats From The 2015 Cruiser 46’ Auxiliary Sailboat Model Boats. The Boat Recalls Applied On 5/6/2015 And Was Closed On 8/31/2015 With The Following Comment: (1) 33cfr181.5-9 Boats Subject To Part 183 Safety Regulations Must Have A Certification Label That Contains The Information Required By Sec 181.15. (2) 33cfr181.27 The Country Code “de-“ Was Displayed At The Front Of The 12-character Hin. If Retained, The Foreign Country Code Must Be At Least Two Inches Away From The Hin, Separated By A Border, Or On A Separate Label. (3) 33cfr181.29(c) The Duplicate Hull Identification Number Was Marked On An Easily Removable Sticker. Mailed Letter, Dnr And Cur Forms 5/13/15 Jk 6/23/15 Spoke With Mnf, Requested Email To Eaj And Pjm About Progress. Reminded Ej Will Need Photos. Also Sent Mnf Email W/letter And Forms Attached.- Pjm. Mnf Sent Email With Details To Ej And Pjm. Requests 30 Days. Next Date Changed. Pjm 6/23/15 Informed Mfgr That This Is Now A Recall Campaign Due To Repeated Non Compliance, Provided Forms And Instructions. Eaj 6/24/15 Rcvd Email From Mnfr To Eaj Stating He Will Complete Dnr & Create First Letter And Submit To Eaj For Approval. Pjm 6/25/15 Received Dnr And First Purchaser Letter. Recall To Proceed 34 Boats Effected. Eaj 8/31/15 All Materials And Recall Notification Was Sent To 34 First Purchasers. Case Closed. Eaj